
will include the next topics

Age fearlaunches an independent monetaryadvice service during the co-operative independent fi

?7.fivemillion* (1fiveper cent) of the united kingdom adult population is in acute desireof monetary advice
?This includes 600,000* people over the age of 65
?Age fearEnterprises launches an Independent Advice service at the side of the Co-operative Independent monetaryAdvisers (CIFA) to offer access to a ‘whole of market’ advice service for all sectors of the population over 50.

With multiple in six (7.fivemillion) of the united kingdom population in urgent desireof monetary advice*, Age fearEnterprises announces the los angelesunch of its Independent Advice Service to be provided by the Co-operative Independent monetaryAdvisers (CIFA).

New research from Age Concern’s Age Agenda report reveals that 600,000* people over the age of 6fivewithin the united kingdom are short of monetary advice, and far more worryingly Superior quality Tiffany band ring rose gold best sale, greater than 220,000* (4 per cent) households headed by people aged 65-84 are and not using a checking account.

Demographic adjustmentsare transforming the age structure of england. For the basictime there at the moment are more people over 60 than under the age of one6. Tlisted here are 11 million pensioners and 17 million ‘baby boomers’ those aged between 4fiveand six5**. Research has shown thon the ‘baby boomers’ are determined to reinvent the experience of retirement and, with quality of living the most vitalfactorfor lots of**, sound monetary planning hasn't ever been so crucial so as to circumvent monetaryexclusion later in life.

Over recent years thousands of individuals have contacted Age fearsoliciting for assistance on vitalmonetarydecisions this type ofs inheritance tax and that investments. the brand new service has been designed to assist people who find themselves unsure who to sthe way to for unbiased advice and for many who don't have anyt had access to fundamentalmonetaryservices.

The Independent Advice Service provides steerageand advice at the next areas:
?Inheritance tax planning
?Pre-retirement monetaryadvice
?Post-retirement monetaryadvice
?Care fees planning

Eddy Short, monetaryfacilitiesProduct Manager at Age fearEnterprises, says: “With adjustmentsto pension regulation and volatility within the monetarymarkets, the will for individuals to have access to an unbiased monetaryadvice service hasn't ever been so important. And the truth that such a lot of older people don’t have access to fundamentalmonetaryplanning could also be very worrying.

“If people need to decoratetheir quality of life in retirement and shieldthe worth in their estates, it’s essential they make informed monetarydecisions. By employingAge Concern’s Independent Advice Service, customers can receive unbiased Authentic Tiffany & Co elsa peretti band ring rose online store, adaptedsteeragein order to assist in makingan complexprocess less daunting.”

Lynn Coleman, Managing Director on the Co-operative Independent monetaryAdvisers, says: “The research really emphasises the significance of the sourceof independent monetaryadvice for older people and we’re delighted to be providing this service under Age fearEnterprises’ umbrella of professionalducts.”

to start out providing access to assist and steerageto older people, Age fearand CIFA are funding a nationwide seminar programme, running from 19th May, which, amongst more things, will include the next topics:

?An introductidirectly to Inheritance Tax
?Maximising inare available retirement
?Care fees planning

Co-operative Independent monetaryAdvisers were chosen as Age Concern’s commercial partners, since they're one of the maximumUK’s leading independent monetaryadvisers and as a part of the Co-operative Bank, they percentagethe bank’s co-operative values and ethical policy. These values mirror those of Age fearin that both organisations strive to allowpeople to ‘exercise choice’ and ‘assistancethemselves’.

With its profits, Age fearEnterprises supports Age Concern’s charitable activities, raising additional funds for invaluable support facilitiesthis type ofs day care, dataand advice, home visits and transportation Superior quality Tiffany and Co metropolis cuff best sale, in addition to assisting the charity campaign on issues like age discrimination and pensions.

- Ends -

For extradataplease contact Elly Kestenbaum, Imogen Davies or Jess Baker at Trimedia on 020 702five7500 or elly.kestenbaum@trimediauk.com / Imogen.davies@trimediauk.com / jess.baker@trimediauk.com

Notes to editors
* Age Concern’s Age Agenda report, February 2008
** Source: Age fearpublication Winning in 2009 Tiffany return to tiffany heart tag pendant silver outletonline, the significance of the child Boomers
*** Not all Age Concerns offer all Age fearproducts. Please check by telephoning your local office, before arranging a trip. Trading Age Concerns are Appointed Representatives of Age fearEnterprises Limited (ACEnt) that is authorised and controlled by the monetaryfacilitiesAuthority for insurance mediation (311438). ACEnt is registered in England and Wales No. 3156159. Registered Office: Astral House, 1268 London Road, SW16 4ER. Age fearInsurance facilitiesis a trading name of ACEnt, that is a trading company of Age fearEngland and provides any incometo that registered charity.

a fewGE fearINDEPENDENT monetaryADVICE
The service has been launched according to the numerous customers who've contacted us to invite where they may be able to get assistancewith vitalmonetaryissues, this type ofs advice on Inheritance tax, investments, and care fees planning. Age fearis committed to assisting both existing and new customers to find answers to those questions.. The Co-operative Independent Advisors were chosen to offer this service because the ir values mirror the worths of Age fearin that both organisations strive to offer informatidirectly to it’s customers in order thon they may be able to ‘exercise choice’. as well because the Co-operative Independent monetaryAdvisors are experienced in providing advice to customers over 50, and Age fearis extending their successful nationwide seminar programme with a professionalposed 100 nationwide free customer seminars.
At an area degree, Age feargivesa form of facilitiesfor older people, this type ofs day centres, luncheon clubs, and advice and knowledge services.
At a countrywide level, Age fearcampaigns with and for older people: developing policy; influencing Government; training care professionals; supporting local Age fearbodies, financially ly.
To fund this figure, Age fearneeds a proceedingflow of independent income. It seeks to succeed on this thru a balance of conventionalfund raising and trading activities.
Age Concern’s trading activities allowit to satisfy the wishes of older people, through products in particulardesigned for them; quality products at fair coststhis type ofs General Insurance and attemptServices.

Age fearEnterprises incorporates: Age fearInsurance Services, Age fearEnergy Services, Age fearFuneral Plans, Age fearWeekly Lottery Discount Tiffany & Co lollipop charm and chain best sale, Age fearmonetarySolutions Ltd, Aid Call, Age fearChristmas Cards and Charity Flowers Direct.


Independent monetaryAdvice is equipped by The Co-operative Independent monetaryAdvisers. The Co-operative Independent monetaryAdvisers is a logoname of Co-operative Bank monetaryAdvisers Limited. Registered office: P.O. Box 101, Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP. Registered number: 718903. A subsidiary company of The Co-operative Bank p.l.c. Authorised and controlled by the monetaryfacilitiesAuthority.

